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WEICH launcht neue Kollektion Im KaDeWe Berlin WEICH launcht neue Kollektion Im KaDeWe Berlin

WEICH launches new collection at KaDeWe Berlin

This weekend the time has finally come - the young luxury label "WEICH Couture Alpaca" is launching its new Living & Giving collection made of the finest alpaca wool at KaDeWe Berlin. Founder Jannik Weich will be there in person to inspect the presentation of the products and give customers the unique experience of being advised directly by the founder. "For us as a young brand, a dream has come true. If someone had told me before we founded the company, hey, in a year you'll be displayed in KaDeWe, I probably would have called them crazy!" says Jannik Weich about the launch. "We are of course very pleased to have gained such a renowned partner at our side with KaDeWe." The products will be on display immediately in a special area on the 5th floor in the Home & Interior department of KaDeWe.

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