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WEICH Couture Alpaca auf Sonderflächen im Alsterhaus und Oberpollinger WEICH Couture Alpaca auf Sonderflächen im Alsterhaus und Oberpollinger

WEICH Couture Alpaca in special areas in the Alsterhaus and Oberpollinger

The Frankfurt luxury label "WEICH Couture Alpaca" enthusiastically presented its high-quality royal alpaca collection in the period from September 22nd, 2022 to October 8th, 2022 in special exhibition areas of the Alsterhaus in Hamburg and the Oberpollinger department store in Munich. The historic shopping destinations are a popular destination for all luxury enthusiasts. During the exhibition, in addition to the classic home textiles made of sustainable alpaca fur, the unique WEICH lounger was also on display and other innovations from the furniture and homewear collection of the brand were presented. The special highlights of the exhibition were the ultra-soft pouffe and - in Hamburg - the new Butterfly Chair, a piece of furniture that is being offered with alpaca fur for the first time in the world and was created in cooperation with the Cuero company.

At the end of the exhibition period in the special areas, there was a small event on Saturday, October 8th, 2022 in Hamburg and Munich. Where you could meet the two founders Jannik Weich and David Kuttschrütter and ask them all questions about the products of WEICH Couture Alpaca. Many customers and interested parties took the opportunity to learn more about the philosophy and the special story behind WEICH Couture Alpaka.

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